Press Releases and Announcements - ID Technology Partners
IDTP occasionally releases information regarding the company's ongoing identity technology research and development efforts, additions to the firm's identity team and subject matter experts, as well as IDTP's performance achievements and awards.
IDTP Team Members Receive Prestigious Award From Secure Technology Alliance
Tucson, Arizona – February 28, 2024
Two IDTP team members were recognized for their leadership by the Secure Technology Alliance (STA) at their 2024 Identity and Payments Summit in Tucson, Arizona. Lars Suneborn and Gerry Smith were presented with The Idea Generator Award for conducting the first ever training session on security fundamentals at the event.
This marks the first time that this category of leadership award has been presented by the STA.
Pictured from left to right are Gerry Smith, Lars Suneborn, and Jason Bohrer, STA Executive Director, who presented the award.
IDTP Team Members Receive Prestigious Award From Secure Technology Alliance

IDTP Receives DHS Small Business Award
Identification Technology Partners (IDTP) received a Small Business Achievement Award from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The announcment was made as a part of the 17th Annual DHS Small Business Advocate Awards which acknowledge small business contractors for exemplary performance. The Transporation Security Adminstration (TSA) recongized IDTP for technical expertise and techninological contract support for several key TSA iniatives, including biometric and identity assurance, the Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC) program, and development of a mobile application for martime transportation. For more information, please see the official DHS blog post, or download the full DHS Small Business Award Announcment below.
U.S. Department of Homeland Security - 17th Annual Small Business Awards
Charles L. Wilson Receives Posthumous NIST Recognition
On October 25, 2019 Charles L. Wilson (‘Charlie’) was honored posthumously when his portrait was hung in the NIST Portrait Gallery of Distinguished Scientists, Engineers, and Administrators. He was honored for his technical excellence in measurement science, pattern recognition, device modelling, and pioneering work in fingerprint biometric technology benchmarks and standards.
His career at NIST spanned from 1975 to 2006. During that time he was presented with two U.S. Department of Commerce Gold Medals. After retiring from NIST he joined IDTP as a partner until he retired in 2011 to pursue other personal interests and hobbies.
2019 NIST Portrait Gallery Honorees
NIST honors 'Charlie' Wilson in Portrait Gallery of Distinguished Scientists, Engineers, and Administrators
Michael McCabe Elected as Chairman of INCITS M1 Biometric Standards Body
IDTP is pleased to announce that on March 13, 2019, Michael McCabe, IDTP Senior Consultant, was elected to his second term as Chairman of the InterNational Committee for Information Technology Standards (INCITS) M1, Biometrics for a three-year term. Mr. McCabe joined IDTP in 2007 following a distinguished forty (40) year career of service at the National Institute of Science and Technology (NIST). The full announcement is available for download at the link below.
Mike McCabe Elected as Chairman of INCITS M1 Biometrics
Christofer J. McGinnis of IDTP Receives INCITS 2019 Service Award
On February 28, 2019, the InterNational Committee for Information Technology Standards (INCITS) announced that Christofer J. (C.J.) McGinnis, of ID Technology Partners (IDTP), was selected as the 2019 recipient of the INCITS Service Award.
Mr. McGinnis was recognized for his contributions to the INCITS/M1 Biometrics committee and M1.3 Task Group for more than six years. Mr. McGinnis has also been deeply involved in related international standards work through the interface of INCITS/M1 and ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 37 - Biometrics. The full announcement is available for download at the link below.
2019 INCITS Service Award Recognizes Christofer J. McGinnis
Walter Hamilton Addresses Coast Guard's Final Rule on Biometric Readers to Enhance Maritime Security
Security InfoWatch published an article by IDTP's Walter Hamilton regarding the U.S. Coast Guard's (USCG) final rule on the use of electronic biometric readers in Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC) applications. The article provides details regarding the long development history of the USCG's final rule, the resulting requirements and deadlines, as well as its possible enhancements to maritime security. The article is available on the Security InfoWatch website, or in downloadable form below.
Security InfoWatch Article on Maritime Security Enhanced through Biometric Readers
Smart Card Alliance recognizes IDTP
ID Technology Partners was recognized as a Smart Card Alliance Center of Excellence Organization for 2015. The Smart Card Alliance is made up of over 200 member organizations worldwide, and supports the strengthening of a wide range of smart-card based technologies.
Smart Card Alliance Member Bulletin June 2016
AFCEA Recognizes Mr. Dunn and Mr. Podio for work as Co-chairs of the Biometric Consortium
AFCEA recognized Jeffrey S. Dunn and Fernando Podio for their dedication and many years of service as Co-chairs to the
Biometric Consortium at the recent AFCEA 2015 Global Identity Summit in Tampa. Mr. Dunn was recognized for 19 years
of service between 1996 and 2015, and Mr. Podio for 16 years between 1998 and 2014. Mr. Dunn and Mr. Podio have both recently
retired from successful federal careers at NSA and NIST respectively and are currently engaged at ID Technology Partners.
Jeffrey S. Dunn Joins IDTP
Mr. Dunn served in the federal sector for over 35 years including more than 20 years at the National Security Agency (NSA)
holding various roles that included Defense Intelligence Senior Leader and Technical Director for Biometrics at the NSA
Laboratory for Physical Sciences. He served as Branch Chief at NSA's Network Security Engineering Division as well as its
National Computer Security Center.
Jeffrey S. Dunn Joins ID Technology Partners, Inc.
Dr. Edwin Upchurch Joins IDTP
IDTP announced that Edwin T. Upchurch has joined the company. Dr. Upchurch has over 40 years of
systems design, performance engineering and project management experience, and
developed performance engineering methodologies that assure highly complex systems
meet designed functional and reliability requirements.
Dr. Edwin Upchurch Joins ID Technology Partners, Inc.
CEOCFO Magazine Interviews IDTP President Paul Collier
Lynn Fosse, Senior Editor at CEOCFO Magazine, sits down with IDTP President Paul Collier for an interview titled
Engineering and Consulting for Identification Systems’ Critical Elements. Mr. Collier discusses IDTP's strength as a specialized identity consultant
and the firm's experience providing support to government clients.
CEOCFO Magazine: Engineering and Consulting for Identification Systems’ Critical Elements
Rob Zivney Joins IDTP
Mr. Zivney has over 35 years of executive management and
technical marketing experience in the access security, building control, secure
identification and IT markets. Mr. Zivney comes to IDTP from the Identive Group where
he served as VP of its Government and Standards Division involved in global initiatives
developing secure identification programs for physical access, logical access, RFID, and
Near Field Communications (NFC).
Rob Zivney Joins ID Technology Partners, Inc.
The Gazette Discusses Biometrics with Paul Collier and Tom Baker
The Gazette examines the relationship between biometrics and cyber security with Paul Collier and Tom Baker, partners at IDTP. The article, titled In Maryland, biometrics’ eye on an elusive prize, also discusses the future of the biometric industry, and the specific challenges it faces in the U.S.
The Gazette: In Maryland, biometrics’ eye on an elusive prize
Bob Diegelman Joins IDTP
Mr. Diegelman brings over 37 years of executive management and technical experience including 32 years of service with the U.S.
Department of Justice. Most recently, Mr. Diegelman worked with Lockheed Martin
Transportation and Security Solutions (LMTSS) as the Director of Advanced Identification
Robert F. Diegelman Joins ID Technology Partners, Inc.
2009 and earlier
Mutual Registration - Personal Identity Verification (MR-PIV) Announced
The MR-PIV architecture was conceived by IDTP to initially solve the challenges of
managing interoperability and secure physical access control for the government Homeland
Security Presidential Directive -12 Personal Identity Verification (PIV) smart card program.
IDTP MR-PIV Announcement
Gilles Lisimaque Receives SCA Leadership Award
Mr. Lisimaque was presented with the SmartCard
Alliance Outstanding Individual Achievement Award for his 20 years of industry accomplishment
and leadership by the SCA’s Executive Director, Randy Vanderhoof.
Mr. Lisimaque Receives SCA Leadership Award
IDTP Receives DHS Achievement Award
IDTP was selected by the Department of Homeland Security to receive a Small Business
Achievement Award at their 4th Annual Small Business Awards Ceremony. IDTP was nominated
for the award by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) for outstanding performance in
support of TSA’s secure credentialing programs.
IDTP Receives DHS Small Business Achievement Award
Gerry Smith Joins IDTP
Mr. Smith has over 30 years of senior engineering and business management experience in the
development and deployment of integrated smart card systems. Prior to joining IDTP,
Mr. Smith provided international engineering and business development support to
Sharp Microelectronics.
Gerald Smith Joins Identification Technology Partners, Inc.
Walter Hamilton Joins IDTP
Mr. Hamilton brings over 40 years of experience in IT and biometric systems to the firm.
Mr. Hamilton comes to IDTP having served as Vice President and General Manager;
Biometric Solutions for Saflink Corporation. Prior to joining Saflink in 1995, Mr. Hamilton
enjoyed a distinguished 30-year career at Unisys Corporation.
Walter Hamilton Joins ID Technology Partners
IDTP Board of Directors Elects Gilles Lisimaque
Mr. Lisimaque joined IDTP as a partner in January 2005. He actively
represents IDTP clients in US and International standards bodies, as well as provides
technical and business guidance in the design and application of smart-cards and
identity credentialing systems.
Gilles Lisimaque Elected to IDTP Board of Directors
IDTP Receives GSA HSPD-12 Vendor Certification
IDTP is approved to provide contracted
HSPD-12 PIV compliant integration services to federal agencies and other entities
issuing individual Task/Delivery Orders in accordance with FSC 70 SIN 132-62, HSPD-
12 Product and Service Components.
ID Technology Partners Receives GSA’s HSPD-12 Vendor Certification